Tapao Arrecho


  • ½ pound of despressed chicken
  • 1 pound of chunk meat in pieces
  • 1 pound of chorizo (preferably smoked)
  • 1 pound beef rib
  • 1 red onion in small squares
  • 1 tomato
  • 2 green peppers
  • 3 sheets of chilangua (basil if not found)
  • 3 garlic seeds
  • 1 spoon of oregano
  • 1 spoon of salt
  • half teaspoon cumin
  • 1 spoon of oil (vegetable)
  • 1 spoon of achiote
  • 5 green in sheets (not very thick)
  • 2 liters of water


  • Chop the red onion, pepper and tomato in small squares.
  • Chop the garlic very finely or crush it.
  • Take these ingredients to a frying pan or pot and sauté with achiote and oil over low heat, adding salt and cumin.
  • Apart cook the beef rib for 45 minutes to an hour in pressure cooker add a half red onion, garlic in pieces and salt. (When you put it in the pressure cooker, seal it in oil together with the onion, salt and garlic, then add the water and cook.)
  • Add to the first rehash the pork and chicken meat sliced, together with the chorizo, sauté until the meat is brown.
  • Add water and let cook until the meats are cooked.
  •   Add the slices of green and cook in the same broth.
  • Add the cooked rib of beef with a little of the bottom in which it was cooked in the pot where all the meat is.
  • Add the Chilangua or albahca, oregano and lemon drops.
  • Rectify with salt.
This is a typical dish of the Ecuadorian coast, this preparation is for 6 people if you like for more people add twice the amount of each ingredient, less salt (this is an ingredient that should be used according to your taste). 


foto: Fransico S. 
Receta: Maria del Carmen G.


  1. Magnifica reseta muy buena ����

  2. Uno de los mejores platos de nuestra tierra 😋👌

  3. Que rico...
    pero sera que la gaseosa es buena para acompañarla con estas comidas típicas

    1. hola. puedes tomarlo con tu bebida favorita, solo te estoy indicando como hacer un tapo arrecho, no te estoy indicando con que tomarlo, la gaseosa es una de mis bebidas preferidas y es por ende que la combino con este plato, ya si a otros le gusta otra bebida o jugos naturales ellos pueden elegir.


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